
Useful Tips For Beginners and Returning Players - TBC Classic

The Burning Crusade - WoW's latest expansion to'Classic World of Warcraft' has brought the interest of old school veterans and new players alike. TBC introduces new 25 player raids, professions, classes/races to play, and heroic mode dungeons. Grab your friends and journey through the dark portal to stop the legion and its burning crusade.

With WoW's classic style of Tank/Healer/DPS roles take on your role and fight for newfound loot and glory in its dungeon-based 'player vs environment!' Cement your position within WoW's two factions - the Horde or the Alliance, and fight for honor with the new arena system, battlegrounds, and world player vs player!

We have curated a list of tips and tricks to help get you started right for the much anticipated TBC expansion!

Whether you're a new player or a seasoned veteran returning to the world of Azeroth, you should be aware of these tips & tricks to get you optimized and ready for level 70.

Tips for Choosing Your Class

To start this list, we have to start at the beginning. Your character creation - the character you will be playing till level 70. You must choose something you enjoy over something that is “most optimal.” However, if you're a min-max style player and don't mind playing something optimal we have you covered too.

There are times you should follow the optimal route and other times being optimal is just not fun. So remember this when choosing your character. Below is a list of character types that we can recommend.

If you're a ranged type of player, here is a quick breakdown between the ranged classes:

●Mage - High AOE (Area of Effect) damage, massive control with slows and roots
●Hunter - High ranged damage, with a mix of melee and hunter pet DPS
●Priest - Healer with holy and discipline with Shadow ranged DPS
●Warlock - High DPS, lots of DOTS (Damage over time) with demons
●Druid - Healer in Restoration talents, also has Boomkin form which has great AOE spell damage
●Shaman - Elemental high DPS. Can be a healer in Restoration talents.

If you prefer the up-close hacking and slashing you have choices between:

●Warrior - Versatile high DPS with control variables - Can be a tank
●Rogue - High control, burst combo DPS mixed with stealth
●Paladin - Tanky with lots of utility and DPS - Can be a tank
●Druid - Feral - Stealthy high burst DPS - Can be a tank as bear form
●Shaman - Enhancement - High melee damage with utility from their totems

These are just quick rundowns for classes, if you like the sound of them, give them a try. Always remember, leveling the class is completely different from how it is played in the late game.

A tip, if you want to min-max for class choice as DPS, choose mage. They're great for AOE pulls in dungeons, and they make leveling a lot faster along with great damage and control for soloing quests. On the same note make sure to follow guides for both professions and classes/races. Another great choice for solo leveling is Hunter. It's a powerful agile class with range and a pet to tank most mobs for you. Those are just two recommendations for min-maxing leveling.

The biggest tip to take from this list, is if you choose to be a healer or tank, remember to level in your damage spec as it is easier to do quests as a DPS.

Tips for Choosing Right for PVP

If you're interested in PVP (Player VS Player) there are certainly more classes that reign supreme over others as they are more built for PVP. They can be difficult to learn and master, but extremely satisfying and overwhelmingly powerful.

Standout examples of the best characters for PVP in TBC would be:

●Rogue (Subtlety)
●Mage (Frost)
●Warlock (SL - Soul Link / Siphon Life)
●Druid (restoration spec)

All classes are viable for PVP, however, these are the top-rated classes for world PVP and Arena and are great picks to start you out.

Try looking up videos on gameplay for each class before choosing, as they may not be to your play style and may waste your time.

Tips On Gold and How to Spend it

Getting gold in WoW is one of the most satisfying things to do when done right. Here are some great tips to get your gold numbers up, and costs low. Following these tips will get you flowing in gold and flying through Outland before you know it.

The Expenses

First, you need to look at what's going to cost you throughout your WoW leveling experience. They can be simply put as:

●Buying Skills/Talents
●Buying Mounts/Mount Skills
●Spending Money on Professions

These will be the only necessary expenses you will encounter. You may find buying elixirs/armor on the auction house as an expense, but those are all subjective and not recommended as you will level up and find gear throughout your time questing and dungeon grinding.

Mount Skills are necessary. 100% or epic riding is a choice you can decide on, but we recommend buying it as it speeds up leveling and gathering times. It's costly for sure, but you can only purchase flying at level 70 so this means a lot of ground running, best to do it in style. (Or you can just check our TBC Classic Items List)

Gold Income

In WoW, there are loads of ways to make money namely through:

●Auction House Trading
●Farming Mobs

What we want to focus on, is the auction house. No matter the faction, no matter the server, money shares one color, and that's gold.

Tips for Selling Right on the Auction House

Almost every item you collect in WoW can be sold and traded. You found a green item that you can't use or isn't for your class? Throw it up on the auction house and earn that extra gold. Selling greens is a huge waste of money. Keep in mind enchanters can buy it to disenchant, etc. There are always needs and uses for green items.

A trick to help sell an item on the auction is to look up its list price and undercut the lowest seller. If it doesn't have an already established price, sell for a reasonable price that you would be willing to pay for that item. It's simple economics that you can take advantage of and play the market for.

The Tricks Of Professions & Money Making

Professions both minor and major provide a great way to make money. The recommended combo during leveling is - Skinning/Mining or Skinning/Herbalism for major professions. For minor professions, it is recommended to take Fishing/Cooking/First aid. The reason for this is that it's virtually inexpensive and the resources gained can be thrown into the auction house for a hefty profit.

Once you have reached level 70, you can follow your class guides for what professions you need and drop skinning/mining. This is just to make as much money throughout leveling to help get epic flying at level 70. This also serves to pay for necessary materials for your new professions at the late game.

If this is something you're not interested in, you can always buy gold from SSEGold.com to help get you that money quickly and securely at a low price.

Tips for Questing & Leveling Up

Last for this list, is questing and how to go about leveling. We've discussed classes and how to make money but how can you level fast in WoW?

Here is a quick list of tips & tricks to get you leveling fast!

1.Do your starting area quests - Move to populated areas to get groups to help quest faster (Elwynn Forest, Barons, Westfall, etc.)
2.Speaking of groups, get a group for dungeons as early as possible. Dungeons are a great way to get gear and experience.
3.Set your hearthstone to save time between questing and always get the flight paths
4.Kill enemies between quests
5.Don't forget the rested experience, log off in an inn or major town, this gives double rested exp

All of these tips are simple to follow but improve your leveling experience in WoW to help you get to the end game quicker. Every two levels your character can learn new skills, so remember to check in with your trainer!


If you liked this list and found it useful, be sure to check out our website SSEGold.com to help you get the TBC Gold advantage you need for WoW Classic Burning Crusade.

People have jobs, and very important tasks to do during the day, and may not have the opportunity to spend time farming gold, use SSEGold.com to help get you ahead of the curve.

Happy leveling, and best of luck on your adventure through Azeroth and the new Burning Crusade expansion!

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