WoW WotLK Classic Rogue Guide

After the Wow Wotlk classic hunter guide, we are back with another class guide. In this guide, you will get to know everything about the Rogue class. Rest assured after reading this guide, you will have nothing left to know about Rouges. The guide covers all three specialisations, best races, best profession, and leveling process. So sit tight. We’re going in.
Best Races for Rogue
None of the allied races boosts an Assassination Rogue's damage. Night Elves have the best base stats, giving them a slight advantage. Will to Survive and Escape Artist help humans and gnomes escape crowd control and continue causing damage. For PvE, humans are recommended for Will to Survive; however, picking another race is fine. Will to Survive is more crucial in PvP, making humans the ideal choice.
Horde's choice isn't clear. Blood Elf, Orc, and Troll have racial abilities that boost PvE damage. Berserking is a mighty Troll racial ability that improves with gear. Orc's Blood Fury has a shorter cooldown and longer duration than Berserking, but it's weaker. An Assassination Rogue doesn't need the Orc's Axe Specialization because they use Daggers. Blood Elves' Arcane Torrent is okay, though weaker than Orc or Troll racial.
Assassination Rouge
In Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Assassination Rogues do a lot of single-target damage. They're less gear-dependent than most classes, dealing considerable damage without best-in-slot gear.
Assassination Rogues suffer if they don't have enough time to build poisons, Hunger For Blood, and Envenom combo points. As an Assassination Rogue, you provide the Master Poisoner debuff for your raid, raising critical strike probability by 3% against opponents of your poison.
Gives the raid Master Poisoner, which makes it more likely to critically hit enemies.
Very high sustained damage to a single target. Not as dependent on gear as most other classes that deal damage. Tricks of the Trade help the raid deal more damage and turn away threats.
To reach its full potential, it needs to build up poisons, combo points, and Hunger for Blood. And it requires a lot of WotLK Classic Gold. When switching targets a lot or when enemies die very quickly, the Assassination rogue doesn't do as well.
It doesn't have any significant damage-dealing cooldowns, so it can't deal a lot of damage all at once. Fan of Knives does good damage to multiple targets, but there are other classes that can do more damage to multiple targets.
Best Profession: Engineering
Engineering is the best Wrath of the Lich King profession for PvE rogues. Hyperspeed Accelerators gloves and Saronite Bomb, and Global Thermal Sapper Charge are the main perks. Hyperspeed Accelerators are a significant 1-minute haste increase. To employ sapper charges, you must specialise in Goblin engineering.
Combat Rogue

Combat Rogues use cooldown abilities to deal huge bursts of damage when needed. Learning when to use Adrenaline Rush and other cooldowns requires practice. Combat has the biggest multi-target damage potential and the most energy to perform Fan of Knives when needed.
As a Combat Rogue, you'll give your raid the Savage Combat debuff, increasing physical damage to poisoned opponents by 4%. Arms Warriors share this +4% damage debuff. If your group already has an Arms Warrior or Combat Rogue, applying the debuff twice won't help.
Gives the raid Savage Combat, which increases the amount of physical damage done to enemies. A lot of damage in a short amount of time. Fan of Knives and its cooldown abilities do a lot of damage to multiple targets. Tricks of the Trade help the raid deal more damage and turn away threats.
Less damage to a single target than an Assault Rogue. More dependent on gear than an Assault Rogue and doesn't do as well at lower gear levels.
Best Profession: Jewelcrafting
Bright Dragon's Eye is a powerful Dragon's Eye gem. They slot into gem sockets like any other gem. Therefore their power level is directly compared to what else you would have put there. Rare gems like Bright Scarlet Ruby improve Jewelcrafting's power more than epic gems like Bright Cardinal Ruby. These gems can improve Expertise Rating, Armour Penetration Rating, Hit Rating, or any other stat you choose. Even with spectacular gems, Jewelcrafting is a potent PvE-focused combat rogue profession.
Subtlety Rogue
Rogues are stealth and movement masters. They can attack any target they wish with Shadowstep. Preparation gives a Subtlety Rogue back-to-back potent cooldown abilities, giving them control and defence. Shadow Dance has many uses for burst damage and control.
As a Subtlety Rogue, you grant your raid Haemorrhage. This debuff has limited charges, and raid participants will soon use them up. The Haemorrhage damage bonus is a Rogue-only debuff; no other class in Wrath of the Lich King overwrites it. Each Haemorrhage cast gives your team 750 extra damage.
It gives the raid Haemorrhage, which increases the physical damage done to enemies.
Strong damage in a short amount of time. When compared to other Rogue specialisations, Tricks of the Trade is used more often to move threats away from the raid and boost damage. They are very mobile and have strong defensive skills, making them able to stop a lot of raid mechanics.
The Assassination or Combat rogues do more damage overall than the Subtlety rogue. As a class that deals with damage, this is important.
Best Profession: Engineering
Engineering is the profession in Wrath of the Lich King that greatly increases the damage, so all PvE rogues should take it. The Hyperspeed Accelerators gloves and the ability to use explosives like the Saronite Bomb and the Global Thermal Sapper Charge are the main benefits. Hyperspeed Accelerators are a temporary haste buff that is very strong and only lasts for 1 minute. Goblin engineering is needed to use sapper charges, so if you want those super-powerful explosives, you'll need to choose Goblin as your specialisation.
Engineers can also use Flexweave Underlay, which is a bit more agile than the normal Enchant Cloak - Major Agility, and Nitro Boosts, which gives rogues another ability that is similar to sprinting. This is great because it lets you move quickly between targets, cutting down on downtime and giving you more time to deal with the damage.
Wotlk Classic rogue leveling guide

To level your rogue in Wotlk classic, you must keep the following mentioned things in your mind. First of all, you need to watch your cooldowns. Spells like Evasion and Blade Flurry make it easy to kill multiple mobs at once, but if you don't have them, you may have trouble.
With Vanish, you can play a little more dangerously because you know you can always use it to get out of trouble. This is also a great way to kill enemies with guards, kill the person you need to kill for a quest, and vanish from enemies you don't need to kill.
Rogues have more ways to control large groups of enemies than any other class. This makes it easy for them to stop several enemies at once. You can easily even the odds if you start a fight with Sap, hit a target with Blind, use Gouge, and Kidney Shot.
Don't forget to use your long weapon. This is often the best way to get rid of a single enemy and keep from getting swarmed. Make sure you have a good amount of Poisons on hand. The situational ones might be the answer to your problem right now.
Distraction is one of your most useful skills because it can stop patrols in their tracks or make an enemy turn around to help you get in a better position. You can even stop an opponent in the middle of a run.
As a Rogue, your weapon, not your spell ranks, do most of your damage. This means that upgrading your weapon is the best way to level up faster and that it's often worth going into a dungeon or a different zone early on to get a better weapon. Spells like Sinister Strike deal damage based on "weapon damage". Because of this, you want a main-hand weapon that moves slowly but does more damage. Even though it has less DPS, a weapon like the Ebon Hilt of Marduk will be better than the Blade of Necromancy because each hit will do more damage.
You don't have many ways to heal yourself as a Rogue. Think about getting a First Aid level, and try to always have food that is right for your level. You should never have to wait around for your health to come back up because time spent waiting is time wasted. You won't have to carry a lot, but you should always be able to fit at least a stack or two in your bags.
With that note, it's time to end this wotlk classic rogue guide. Before we forget the secret of how To Make More Gold With the best Professions has been leaked, rush to the news section to find out and start making some shiny metal.
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