Best WOTLK Classic Trinkets Guide

Even if you’re new to WoW, I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “I’m popping my cooldowns” or “Save cooldowns for next pull!” These cooldowns are usually referred to as your trinket cooldowns, and today we’re going to go over everything related to trinkets and the best Trinkets WOTLK has to offer. Keep in mind that this article/ guide was written with Phase 1 in mind and will change based on new content released by Blizzard.
Trinkets - an Introduction

Trinkets are the bread and butter for most class rotations - meaning they are the keystone to fit their combo of skills together to deal maximum damage. Trinkets are equippable pieces of gear that either have an activatable effect (press a button to activate the trinket effects) or have a passive chance effect (e.g., Give additional stats after you crit, etc.) Either way, trinkets bolster your character's damage/tankiness/healing effects for a short time.
Best Trinkets of WOTLK Classic - Phase 1
We will split this list into different parts to make it easier to find the trinkets best suited to your class and role (DPS/Healer/Tank)Best DPS Trinkets in WOTLK Classic

DPS trinkets vary from active and passive, but most DPS players will tell you that active trinkets are better for more rigorous combos to take effect. Let's review some of the best trinkets at your disposal during phase 1 for DPS classes.
Emblem Trinkets
Emblem trinkets are trinkets acquired through grinding out heroics for emblems of justice. You will need 40x for all the mentioned emblems throughout this article.
Best Ranged DPS Emblem Trinket - Sundial of the Exiled

Sundial of the Exiled is a trinket for 40x emblems of justice that gives the user an immediate permanent boost of a critical strike rating by 84, along with a chance to increase spell power by 590 for 10 seconds. This gear is entry-level for raiding and will be required to enter raids, so pick it up as soon as possible.
Best Melee DPS Emblem Trinket - Mirror of Truth

Mirror of Truth is the DPS Version of Sundial of the Exiled, increasing the critical hit rating by 84 and having the passive chance to increase attack power by 1000 for 10 seconds. Like Sundial of the Exiled, Mirror of Truth should be prioritized to get into raids.
Best Non- Emblem DPS Trinkets in WOTLK Classic

We will list out our top 4 DPS Trinkets for WOTLK Classic and where to get them:

● Dark Moon Card: Greatness
● Embrace of the Spider
● Fury of the Five Flights
● Illustration of the Dragon Soul
● Dying Curse
Dark Moon Card: Greatness is a trinket purchased through the Auction house, making it one of the most easily accessible trinkets and still one of the most powerful till WOTLK Classic - Phase 3. However, remember that this trinket costs roughly 8k-10k gold throughout most servers, so check out our store for safe and easy gold transactions to guarantee this trinket.
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Embrace of the Spider is from Maexxna in the arachnid wing from 10-man Naxx. This trinket is one of the most hard-reserved items for any caster during phase 1 of WOTLK Classic. Make sure to bid on this item with GDKP or gold to ensure you get this trinket.
Similarly to Embrace of the Spider is The Fury of The Five Flights. The Fury of the Five Flights is picked up from the Obsidian Sanctum and will expect the same reserves as the Embrace of the Spider.
Illustration of the Dragon Soul is the second trinket to drop from the Obsidian Sanctum. It is quite possibly the strongest DPS caster trinket in WOTLK Classic, as it is “ramping” damage which means the more you attack, the more stats the trinket gives you.
Dying Curse is the strongest Trinket for DPS as it increases hit rating and has a huge bonus to Spell Power. You can find the Dying Curse Trinket from 25-man Naxx.
Best Healer Trinkets WOTLK Classic
Healer trinkets are different from DPS trinkets in that they are usually better with a passive effect, increasing mana regeneration or decreasing mana costs. With the above information in mind, let's look at some of the best WOTLK Classic Trinkets for healers:Best Healer Emblem Trinket

Just like with the DPS trinkets listed above, healers also have an option of trinkets. For 40x emblems of Justice, you can pick up The Egg of Mortal Essence, which increases spell power by 98 and has a chance to increase mana regeneration per heal spell cast.
Best Non- Emblem Healer Trinkets
This list will be considerably shorter than the DPS trinkets because, during phase 1 of WOTLK Classic, trinkets were limited for healers and tanks. So let's get into our top 3 Healer Trinkets below:

● Dark Moon Card: Greatness
● Illustration of the Dragon Soul
● Forethought Talisman
As discussed previously, Dark Moon Card: Greatness can be bought from the Auction house; remember to check our store to secure it.
Illustration of the Dragon Soul is difficult for healers, as this trinket can be useful for both DPS and Healers; this usually means most DPS will reserve the trinket for themselves.
Forethought Talisman is one of 3 trinkets dropped in 25-man Naxx; Forethought talisman is the strongest healer trinket offering the greatest intellect boost and passive healing per heal spell cast.
Best Tank Trinkets WOTLK Classic
Last but not least are the Tank trinkets introduced in WOTLK Classic. These trinkets usually specialize in mitigating damage while increasing stamina (HP).Emblem Trinkets for Tank Classes

The emblem trinket best used for tanks is the Valor Medal of the First War. What makes this a tank trinket is the ability to increase the dodge rating at harder boss pulls along with the passive dodge rating the trinket gives. Just like with all the other emblem trinkets on this list, you should purchase this trinket before doing any raids.
Best Non- Emblem Trinkets for Tanks WOTLK Classic
Like with the healing trinkets on this list, we will condense the list to the top 3 tank trinkets from raids or dungeons. Let's look at those trinkets below:

● Dark Moon Card Greatness
● Fury of the Five Flights
● Essence of Gossamer
Dark Moon Card: Greatness is purchased from the Auction house; check out SSEGold to secure it.
Fury of the Five Flights may seem strange, but a lot of tanks during phase 1 have sworn by its effectiveness in controlling aggro through higher DPS. This trinket is mostly optional but still makes this list.
The essence of Gossamer is a dungeon trinket, and it makes its way on this list due to its sheer absorption power.
There are a lot of trinkets during WOTLK Classic, and we hope you enjoyed this list. Check out our other articles on all things WOTLK Classic-related topics with this link. Don't forget to check out our store to get your hands on all the Darkmoon cards needed for raiding, and as always, happy raiding!Table of contents