FFXIV Dungeons: Pick Up Your Best And Worst
Final Fantasy 14 is one of the best MMORPG’s on the market right now. Whether it's tough battles, amazing stories, intricate and relaxing crafting, or a very unique take on PVP, FFXIV has something fo ...
Final Fantasy XIV 2.5 dungeons: Keeper of the Lake, Wanderer's Palace and Amdapor Keep
The Dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV play a major part in the game. Not only are they tied into the story, but players will want to revisit them for additional items and experience. There are many dungeo ...
FFXIV Stormblood Light Party dungeons: Lv.60-70
FFXIV Stormblood into the game these days, Many players are beginning to busy upgrading. You must want to know FFXIV Stormblood dungeons list, and to learn about FFXIV games, and if you ne ...
BNS Secrets of the Stratus Dungeons Overview
Secrets of the Stratus Dungeons will be added with the Secrets of the Stratus expansion. This guide is to introduce three dungeons for group and solo players. If you want to buy Blade and Soul gold, S ...
Blade and Soul Dungeon and Quest System
This guide is to introduce Blade & Soul Dungeon system and quest system - including their function, use and related tips, which are of great importance in this game! Dungeon System There are two k ...
How to make fast FFXIV Gils in FFXIV Heavensward
In FFXIV, Gathers and crafters are easily to make FFXIV Gils. Crafters buy easily gathered mats from gathers. Then Gathers become rich, while crafters become poor. When the crafters reach a certain le ...
Guild Wars 2 Power Druid Guide for Dungeons and Fractals
This is my fist attempt to make an actual PvE guide for Guild Wars 2. I covered the Druild build which I am using for my daily Dungeons and Fractals runs in this video. Some insane damage and party bu ...
Some suggestions for improving Final Fantasy XIV
I know there are millions of people playing Final Fantasy, but have you ever though whether we should suggest some good ideas to improve this game. Below are some of my suggestions to this game.I do n ...