12 Hunter Runes in WoW Season of Discovery (Horde and Alliance)
WoW Classic Season of Discovery is a new game mode in World of Warcraft that allows players to explore the secrets of Azeroth and unlock powerful runes for their characters. At Phrase 1, each class has 12 unique runes that enhance their abilities and playstyle. For hunters, these runes are:
Cobra Strikes

Your Arcane Shot and Steady Shot have a 20% chance to cause your next two Cobra Shots to be instant and cost no Focus.
To obtain this rune, you need to buy Freshwater Snapper Bait from Zixil, a goblin vendor who patrols the road in Hillsbrad Foothills. Then, you need to use the bait on a boat in the lake southeast of Tarren Mill to spawn Koartul, a level 25 elite turtle. You need to kill and loot the turtle to get the rune.
Aspect of the Lion

Increases your critical strike chance by 5% and your critical strike damage by 10%.
To obtain this rune, you need to kill a level 25 elite owl named Carrodin, who can be found in a cave in the Wetlands. The cave entrance is at coordinates [53, 64], just west of the road. The rune drops from Carrodin's corpse.
Lone Wolf

Increases your damage by 30% when you do not have an active pet.
To obtain this rune, you need to be level 20 and go to Ratchet in The Barrens. This is a Horde zone, but the town is neutral, so this also works for Alliance players. Find Grizzby in the inn on the south side and complete his three quests to collect Fish Oil, Dark Iron Ordinance, and Shredder Turbochargers. These items can be found from various enemies and locations in Hillsbrad Foothills, Wetlands, and Stonetalon Mountains. After handing in the quests, you will be sent to your faction's capital city and back. On your return, Grizzby will sell you the Rune of Lone Wolf for 5 gold, which you can right-click to learn the rune.
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Master Marksman

Your Auto Shot critical strikes have a 100% chance to grant you a 30% attack speed bonus for 12 sec.
To obtain this rune, you need to find a Rustling Bush in your starting area and use Hunter's Mark on it. A level 4 elite NPC will jump out of the bush and attack you. You need to kill and loot the NPC to get the rune.
The location of the Rustling Bush varies depending on your race and faction. Here are some coordinates for each race:
Orc/Troll: [51, 49] in Durotar
Tauren: [48, 59] in Mulgore
Undead: [59, 52] in Tirisfal Glades
Human: [48, 39] in Elwynn Forest
Dwarf/Gnome: [29, 50] in Dun Morogh
Night Elf: [57, 38] in Teldrassil
Beast Mastery

You can tame exotic beasts and your pet's damage is increased by 20%.
To obtain this rune, you need to find and use a special item on a crab on the beach. The item is called Crab Treats and it can drop from furbolgs in Darkshore (for Alliance) or bears in Silverpine Forest (for Horde). It can also be fished from the waters around Darkshore.

A sweeping attack that strikes all enemies in front of you for 120% weapon damage.
To obtain this rune, you need to be at least level 10 and have the Tame Beast ability trained. You also need to find a special item that can drop from certain enemies or be fished from certain waters. The item is called Rabbit Musk and it can be used to tame a rabbit critter. You then need to trade the rabbit for the rune with a specific NPC in your starting area.
The location of the Rabbit Musk, the rabbit critter, and the NPC varies depending on your race and faction. Here are some brief instructions for each race:
Orc/Troll: Kill Razormane Quilboar in Durotar until you get Rabbit Musk. Use it on a rabbit near Sen'jin Village and tame it. Trade the rabbit with Zargh at Razor Hill for the rune.
Tauren: Kill Palemane Gnoll in Mulgore until you get Rabbit Musk. Use it on a rabbit near Bloodhoof Village and tame it. Trade the rabbit with Harb Clawhoof at Bloodhoof Village for the rune.
Undead: Kill Worg in Silverpine Forest until you get Rabbit Musk. Use it on a rabbit near the Sepulcher and tame it. Trade the rabbit with Apothecary Renzithen at the Sepulcher for the rune.
Human: Kill Defias Bandit in Elwynn Forest until you get Rabbit Musk. Use it on a rabbit near Goldshire and tame it. Trade the rabbit with Farmer Saldean at Westfall for the rune.
Dwarf/Gnome: Kill Frostmane Troll in Dun Morogh until you get Rabbit Musk. Use it on a rabbit near Kharanos and tame it. Trade the rabbit with Toby at Amberstill Ranch for the rune.
Night Elf: Kill Thistlefur Furbolg in Darkshore until you get Rabbit Musk. Use it on a rabbit near Auberdine and tame it. Trade the rabbit with Alanndarian Nightsong at Auberdine for the rune.
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Chimera Shot

A two-headed shot that hits your primary target and another nearby target, dealing 150% Nature damage to one and 150% Frost damage to the other. Generates 10 Focus for each target hit.
To obtain this rune, you need to complete a quest in your race's starting zone. The quest is given by your class trainer at level 2 and will direct you to a specific location where you will find the rune. The location varies depending on your race and faction. Here are some brief instructions for each race:
Orc/Troll: Go to the cave at [51, 49] in Durotar and loot the rune from a chest behind Grik'nir the Cold.
Tauren: Go to the cave at [44, 76] in Mulgore and loot the rune from a chest behind Arra'chea.
Undead: Go to the cave at [30, 29] in Tirisfal Glades and loot the rune from a chest behind Samuel Fipps.
Human: Go to the cave at [48, 39] in Elwynn Forest and loot the rune from a chest behind Garrick Padfoot.
Dwarf/Gnome: Go to the cave at [29, 50] in Dun Morogh and loot the rune from a chest behind Grik'nir the Cold.
Night Elf: Go to the cave at [57, 38] in Teldrassil and loot the rune from a chest behind Ursal the Mauler.
Explosive Shot

Fires an explosive shot at your target. After 3 sec, the shot will explode, dealing 300% Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards.
To obtain this rune, you need to kill a specific enemy in your race's starting zone and loot the rune from their corpse. The enemy varies depending on your race and faction. Here are some brief instructions for each race:
Orc/Troll: Kill Edan the Howler, a level 9 rare wolf, at [41, 47] in Durotar.
Tauren: Kill Arra'chea, a level 11 elite kodo, at [44, 76] in Mulgore.
Undead: Kill Samuel Fipps, a level 5 rare undead, at [30, 29] in Tirisfal Glades.
Human: Kill Garrick Padfoot, a level 5 rare human, at [48, 39] in Elwynn Forest.
Dwarf/Gnome: Kill Old Icebeard, a level 11 elite bear, at [41, 47] in Dun Morogh.
Night Elf: Kill Ursal the Mauler, a level 12 elite furbolg, at [57, 38] in Teldrassil.
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Flanking Strike

You and your pet leap to the target and strike it as one, dealing a total of 300% Physical damage. Generates 30 Focus for you and your pet.
To obtain this rune, you need to kill boars in your starting zone until you get a special item that can be used to summon a rare elite beast. The item and the beast vary depending on your race and faction. Here are some brief instructions for each race:
Orc/Troll: Get Durotar Pig Meat from boars in Durotar. Use it on a pile of meat on the island east of Zen'jin village in the Echo Isles to summon Raluk, a level 9 rare cat. Kill him to get the rune.
Tauren: Get Mulgore Pig Meat from boars in Mulgore. Use it on a pile of meat near the entrance of the cave at [44, 76] to summon Jorul, a level 11 rare bear. Kill him to get the rune.
Undead: Get Silverpine Pig Meat from boars in Silverpine Forest. Use it on a pile of meat near the entrance of the cave at [53, 13] to summon Karr, a level 10 rare wolf. Kill him to get the rune.
Human: Get Elwynn Pig Meat from boars in Elwynn Forest. Use it on a pile of meat near the entrance of the cave at [70, 79] to summon Raluk, a level 9 rare cat. Kill him to get the rune.
Dwarf/Gnome: Get Dun Morogh Pig Meat from boars in Dun Morogh. Use it on a pile of meat near the entrance of the cave at [41, 47] to summon Jorul, a level 11 rare bear. Kill him to get the rune.
Night Elf: Get Teldrassil Pig Meat from boars in Teldrassil. Use it on a pile of meat near the entrance of the cave at [42, 58] to summon Karr, a level 10 rare wolf. Kill him to get the rune.
Kill Command

Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal 200% Physical damage to the enemy. Has a 25% chance to immediately reset its cooldown.
To obtain this rune, you need to complete a quest chain that starts in Stonetalon Mountains. You need to be level 20 and have the Tame Beast ability trained.
The quest chain is as follows:
Talk to Jixo Madrocket, a goblin in a hut near the fork in the road at [60, 62] in Stonetalon Mountains. He will give you the quest Wild Wyvern Wrangling.
Collect three items: a Hypnotic Crystal from the final boss of Wailing Caverns, a Greater Magic Wand from the auction house, and a Wild Magic Essence from furbolgs in Ashenvale.
Combine the three items into a Gnarled Wand of Wild Magic and return to Jixo Madrocket. He will give you the quest Wrangling a Wild Wyvern.
Follow him to the woods and watch him tame a wyvern, then talk to him again to get the rune and a Wyvern Taming Wand.
Use the Wyvern Taming Wand to tame a Young Pridewing in Wind Shear Crag as a pet.
Serpent Spread

Targets hit by your Multi-Shot are also afflicted by Serpent Sting, dealing 90% Nature damage over 15 sec.
To obtain this rune, you need to gain reputation with your Waylaid Supplies faction by handing in Waylaid Supplies to Supply Officers in your capital cities. You need to reach Friendly reputation to buy the rune for 2 gold (You can buy SoD Gold from SSEGold if you need). The Waylaid Supplies can be found from various enemies and locations in Hillsbrad Foothills, Wetlands, and Stonetalon Mountains.
Sniper Training

While standing still, you gain Sniper Training for 6 sec, increasing your damage, critical strike chance, and range by 6%.
Darkshore: Go to Darkshore and find a harpoon on the north coast. It might be in a rock or a big skeleton. Pick it up to get a Gnarled Harpoon. Use the harpoon to kill Paxnozz, a level 20 elite thresher, at [48, 15] in the water. Loot the rune from him.
Loch Modan: Go to the island in the middle of the lake in Loch Modan, at [53, 56], and find Kackle, an elite crocolisk. Loot the rune from him after you kill him.
The Barrens: Go to Ratchet in The Barrens and buy a Fishing Harpoon from Kilxx at the dock. Swim to the ocean and find Bruuz, a level 20 elite shark, at [65, 40]. He is near a wrecked ship under the water. Kill him and loot the rune.
Westfall: Go to Westfall and find Defias Scout, an elite, near Sentinel Hill, at [52, 56]. Kill her and loot the rune.
Above are the detailed guide for the 12 Hunter runes. I hope this helps you with your Hunter gameplay in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.
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