
WoW Classic Season of Discovery Class Picking Guide

World of Warcraft Classic is a nostalgic MMORPG that brings back the original version of the game, as it was in 2004. However, unlike the original release, WoW Classic has introduced some new features and changes, the latest is the Season of Discovery, which is a fresh start for players who want to experience the game from level 1, with no transfers, boosts, or character copies allowed. It also features some class changes, which are aimed at improving the balance and diversity of the game, as well as adding some fun and flavor to the classes. In this article, we will explore some of the class features and changes in the Season of Discovery, and provide some recommendations for the best class picking guide. If you need SoD gold to buy weapons and items, you can get it from SSEGold at low price.

WoW Classic Season of Discovery Classes Features and Changes

In WoW Classic, there are nine classes to choose from: Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock and Warrior. Each class has its own unique abilities, talents, and roles, as well as strengths and weaknesses. Depending on your playstyle, preferences, and goals, you may find some classes more suitable or enjoyable than others.

In the Season of Discovery, some class changes are made aiming at improving the balance and diversity of the game and adding some fun and flavor to the classes. These changes are based on the feedback and suggestions from the community, as well as the data and analysis from the developers. Here are some of the main features and changes of each class in the Season of Discovery:


Druids are shapeshifters who can fill various roles, such as tank, healer, or damage dealer, depending on their form. They can use various skills, such as healing, buffing, rooting, and stealth, to support their allies, as well as damage, debuff, and control their enemies. Druids are very versatile in groups, as they can adapt to different situations and needs. However, they also have some drawbacks, such as being less specialized or optimized than other classes, having limited gear options, and being dependent on their mana pool.

Druids can now choose between three specs: Guardian, Feral, and Restoration. Guardian Druids are tanks that use their bear form to absorb damage and generate threat. Feral Druids are DPS that use their cat form to deal damage with bleeds and combo points. Restoration Druids are healers that use their healing over time spells and shapeshifting abilities to keep their allies alive. Druids can also use the new rune engravings to enhance their abilities, such as the Rune of the Wild, which gives them access to the Wild Growth spell, a powerful group heal. If you play this class, then you may need the WoW SoD Druid Runes guide.


Hunters are ranged damage dealers who can also use pets to aid them in combat. They can use various skills, such as traps, feign death, and aspect of the cheetah, to control the battlefield, avoid damage, and increase their mobility. Hunters are very effective in soloing, as they can use their pets to tank and distract enemies, while they deal damage from a safe distance. However, they also have some challenges, such as managing their pet's happiness and aggro, having low survivability in melee range, and being less desired in end-game content.

Hunters can now choose between two specs: Beast Mastery and Marksmanship. Beast Mastery Hunters are DPS that focus on their pets and their bond with them. They can use the Rune of the Beast, which gives them the Bestial Wrath ability, a powerful cooldown that increases their damage and their pet's damage. Marksmanship Hunters are DPS that focus on their ranged weapons and their aim. They can use the Rune of the Marksman, which gives them the Chimera Shot ability, a powerful shot that deals damage and heals them based on their active sting.


Mages are powerful spellcasters who can deal massive damage with fire, frost, or arcane magic. They can also use various utility spells, such as teleportation, conjuration, and crowd control, to enhance their gameplay. Mages are highly sought after in groups, as they can provide food, water, and buffs to their allies, as well as deal AoE damage to multiple enemies. However, they also have some limitations, such as being squishy and vulnerable to physical attacks, having high mana consumption, and being reliant on their cooldowns.

Mages can now choose between two specs: Frost and Arcane. Frost Mages are DPS that use their cold spells to deal damage and slow their enemies. They can use the Rune of the Frost, which gives them the Deep Freeze ability, a powerful stun that can only be used on frozen targets. Arcane Mages are DPS that use their arcane spells to deal damage and manipulate mana. They can use the Rune of the Arcane, which gives them the Temporal Beacon ability, a powerful spell that converts 80% of their arcane damage into healing for their target.


Paladins are holy warriors who can serve as tanks, healers, or damage dealers, depending on their talents and gear. They can use various skills, such as healing, shielding, blessing, and cleansing, to protect and support their allies, as well as damage, stun, and judge their enemies. Paladins are very durable and resilient in combat, as they can wear plate armor, use shields, and heal themselves. However, they also have some disadvantages, such as being slow and immobile, having low damage output, and being exclusive to the Alliance faction.

Paladins can now choose between two specs: Retribution and Holy. Retribution Paladins are DPS that use their holy power and their weapons to deal damage and support their allies. They can use the Rune of the Crusader, which gives them the Crusader Strike ability, a powerful melee attack that generates holy power. Holy Paladins are healers that use their holy power and their spells to heal and protect their allies. They can use the Rune of the Lightbringer, which gives them the Beacon of Light ability, a powerful spell that transfers 50% of their healing to their target.


Priests are versatile healers who can also deal damage with shadow or holy magic. They can heal, shield, buff, and resurrect their allies, as well as debuff, damage, and control their enemies. Priests are essential in groups, as they can provide healing and support to their teammates, as well as deal decent damage in their shadow spec. However, they also have some drawbacks, such as being fragile and susceptible to physical attacks, having high mana consumption, and being vulnerable to silence effects.

Priests can now choose between two specs: Shadow and Holy. Shadow Priests are DPS that use their shadow spells to deal damage and drain their enemies. They can use the Rune of the Void, which gives them the Mind Flay ability, a powerful channeled spell that deals damage and slows their target. Holy Priests are healers that use their holy spells to heal and buff their allies. They can use the Rune of the Spirit, which gives them the Prayer of Mending ability, a powerful spell that heals a target and jumps to another ally when the target takes damage.


Rogues are stealthy assassins who can deal massive damage with melee weapons. They can use various skills, such as stealth, backstab, sap, and vanish, to sneak up on their enemies, strike them from behind, and escape from danger. Rogues are excellent in PvP, as they can surprise and eliminate their targets quickly, as well as lockpick chests and doors. However, they also have some challenges, such as being weak and exposed in the open, having low survivability in prolonged fights, and being dependent on their energy and combo points.

Rogues can now choose between two specs: Assassination and Combat. Assassination Rogues are DPS that use their poisons and their daggers to deal damage and apply bleeds. They can use the Rune of the Assassin, which gives them the Mutilate ability, a powerful dual-wield attack that deals damage and generates combo points. Combat Rogues are DPS that use their weapons and their skills to deal damage and survive. They can use the Rune of the Combatant, which gives them the Killing Spree ability, a powerful cooldown that makes them attack multiple enemies with their main hand weapon.


Shamans are elemental spellcasters who can also use melee weapons and totems. They can use various skills, such as healing, buffing, purging, and shocking, to assist their allies, as well as damage, debuff, and interrupt their enemies. Shamans are very flexible and diverse in groups, as they can fill different roles and provide various benefits with their totems. However, they also have some limitations, such as being squishy and vulnerable to physical attacks, having low mobility, and being exclusive to the Horde faction.

Shamans can now choose between three specs: Enhancement, Elemental, and Restoration. Enhancement Shamans are DPS that use their melee weapons and their totems to deal damage and support their allies. They can use the Rune of the Storm, which gives them the Stormstrike ability, a powerful dual-wield attack that deals damage and increases the nature damage taken by the target. Elemental Shamans are DPS that use their spells and their totems to deal damage and control their enemies.

They can use the Rune of the Fire, which gives them the Lava Burst ability, a powerful spell that deals fire damage and always critically hits targets affected by Flame Shock. Restoration Shamans are healers that use their spells and their totems to heal and protect their allies. They can use the Rune of the Water, which gives them the Riptide ability, a powerful spell that heals a target and applies a healing over time effect.


Warlocks can now choose between two specs: Affliction and Demonology. Affliction Warlocks are DPS that use their curses and their dots to deal damage and drain their enemies. They can use the Rune of the Curse, which gives them the Haunt ability, a powerful spell that deals shadow damage and increases the damage of their dots on the target. Demonology Warlocks are DPS that use their demons and their spells to deal damage and summon more demons. They can use the Rune of the Demon, which gives them the Metamorphosis ability, a powerful cooldown that transforms them into a demon and changes their abilities.


Warriors are melee fighters who can serve as tanks or damage dealers, depending on their stance and gear. They can use various skills, such as taunting, charging, and executing, to engage and dominate their enemies, as well as damage, stun, and disarm them. Warriors are very strong and sturdy in combat, as they can wear plate armor, use shields, and generate rage. However, they also have some difficulties, such as being slow and immobile, having low self-healing, and being reliant on their gear and rage.

Warriors can now choose between three specs: Arms, Fury, and Protection. Arms Warriors are DPS that use their two-handed weapons and their rage to deal damage and debuff their enemies. They can use the Rune of the Warrior, which gives them the Mortal Strike ability, a powerful attack that deals damage and reduces the healing received by the target. Fury Warriors are DPS that use their dual-wield weapons and their rage to deal damage and enrage themselves.

They can use the Rune of the Berserker, which gives them the Bloodthirst ability, a powerful attack that deals damage and heals them based on their attack power. Protection Warriors are tanks that use their shields and their rage to absorb damage and generate threat. They can use the Rune of the Protector, which gives them the Shield Slam ability, a powerful attack that deals damage and dispels one magic effect from the target.

These are the detailed features and changes for WoW Classic Season of Discovery Classes. I hope this helps you enjoy the new mode of WoW Classic and pick the most suitable class.
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