
WoW Classic Leveling Guide 1-60

In Retail WoW, each new expansion brings back the process of leveling, and this process is viewed as a relatively quick transit step to the max level where the “real” game begins. Unlike leveling in Retail WoW, Classic's leveling takes a lot more effort, because it was never intended to be quick. It usually takes weeks to reach the Classic WoW level cap of 60 with a new character. 

If you don’t know how to upgrade faster, playing World of Warcraft Classic may be frustrating. In order to make your game easier and go further, we provide you with this WoW Classic leveling guide to help you upgrade to level 60 immediately, including how to keep more wow classic gold.

So How to Level Faster in WoW Classic?
1. Always log out at inns or cities:
Inns and Cities are points of relaxation. Safe spaces away from ravenous wolves and mouthy Murlocs. These won’t be too much use to anyone doing a marathon run to the end, but for anyone taking it easy and looking to get the most experience points for their time, logging out at an inn or city will allow you to accumulate “Rested exp” while you’re away. Rested EXP doubles monster kill EXP totaling the amount accumulated over time, meaning you’ll get a nice little bonus upon your return.

2. Kill everything you see:
In WoW Classic, you can get a headstart on this by supplementing quests with monster kills. Just aim to kill every monster you come across as you travel from one quest to another. It might not look like much when it comes in, but that little extra EXP will really build up over time.

3. Train crafting and/or gathering professions while leveling:
Crafting and gathering professions aren’t only good for making stacks of cash later on, but they can help you craft weapons and armor to help you during leveling. You can learn any two of these professions at a time.

4. Grab First Aid ASAP:
Bandages are cheap and effective healing items that can greatly reduce downtime between fights. They’re not as effective as sitting down for a quick meal, but they’re comparatively cheaper. They’re fast, too, so you can limit the time between pulls or even wrap up an injury after stunning an opponent. It’s a must-have tool for classes like Warrior with limited self-sustain.

5. Classic WoW Class and Weapon Trainers:
While leveling, you will need to purchase new spells every couple levels. Class Trainers will have new spells and abilities for you every 2 levels, all the way to level 60. You can find Class Trainers for early levels at the main quest hubs in starting zones, as well as in most Capital Cities. In addition to Class Trainers, there are Weapon Masters scattered around all capital cities. When you start a new character, you will only know how to use 1 or 2 types of weapons, and you must consult with a Weapon Master to learn other kinds of weapons available for your class. 

6.Budget your gold:
Despite how it seems early on, you really don’t need to spend your cash on every single new rank of spell or ability you come across. These can get very expensive, and offsetting the purchase of a mount for the sake of potential 1% damage boost somewhere in your rotation is bound to end up costing you more time than a mount would have saved. Just look up optimal rotations are work out whether that beefed up Thunder Clap will really make much difference.

7. Saving for a Mount in Classic WoW:
To learn a mount, you will first need to purchase the adequate riding skill, at 20 before faction discounts, and the mount itself will cost 80 before discounts, so make sure you save as much gold as you can before level 40. A good way to make money is to selling unwanted items to a vendor, posting valuable goods such as profession items on the Auction House, or even only purchasing the most important skills for your class as you level.

And besides those tips, there are some WoW Classic Addons for leveling you must have, which may greatly enhance your WoW Classic leveling experience:

1. WoW Classic Questing Addon: Questie
2. WoW Classic Inventory Addon: Bagnon
3. WoW Classic Pricing Addon: Better Vendor Price
4. WoW Classic Looting Addon: FasterLooting
5. WoW Classic Auto Selling Addon: Scrap (Junk Seller)
6. WoW Classic Auction Addon: Auctioneer
7. WoW Classic Customization Addon: Bartender4
8. WoW Classic Cooldown Addon: GatherMate2
9. WoW Classic Health Addon: Real Mob Health
10. WoW Classic Training Info Addon: What’s Training?
11. WoW Classic Map Addon: Mapster
12. WoW Classic DOT & Debuff Duration Addon: ClassicAuraDurations
13. WoW Classic Cooldown Duration Addon: OmniCC
14. WoW Classic Better Casting Bar Addon: Quartz
15. WoW Classic DPS Addon: Details! Damage Meter

At the end of this guide, we will introduce you to some Recommended Leveling Zones for Classic WoW Alliance and Classic WoW Horde:

Recommended Leveling Zones for Alliance in Classic WoW:

Classic WoW Recommended Leveling Zones (1 - 10)
Elwynn Forest 
Dun Morogh 
Classic WoW Recommended Leveling Zones (10 - 20)
Loch Modan
Classic WoW Recommended Leveling Zones (20 - 30)
Stonetalon Mountains
Hillsbrad Foothills
Classic WoW Recommended Leveling Zones (30 - 40)
Stranglethorn Vale
Thousand Needles 
Arathi Highlands
Dustwallow Marsh
Classic WoW Recommended Leveling Zones (40 - 50)
Stranglethorn Vale
The Hinterlands
Searing Gorge
Classic WoW Recommended Leveling Zones (50 - 60)
Blasted Lands
Un'Goro Crater
Burning Steppes
Western Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands

Recommended Leveling Zones for Horde in WoW Classic:

Classic WoW Recommended Leveling Zones (1 - 10)
Tirisfal Glades
Classic WoW Recommended Leveling Zones (10 - 20)
The Barrens
Stonetalon Mountains
Silverpine Forest
Classic WoW Recommended Leveling Zones (20 - 30)
The Barrens
Hillsbrad Foothills
Stonetalon Mountains
Thousand Needles
Classic WoW Recommended Leveling Zones (30 - 40)
Stranglethorn Vale
Arathi Highlands
Thousand Needles
Swamp of Sorrows
Dustwallow Marsh
Classic WoW Recommended Leveling Zones (40 - 50)
Stranglethorn Vale
Swamp of Sorrows
Dustwallow Marsh
The Hinterlands
Searing Gorge
Classic WoW Recommended Leveling Zones (50 - 60)
Blasted Lands
Un'Goro Crater
Western Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands
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