
WildStar Tradeskills Guide: How to Craft

Crafting in WildStar is a little confusing at first, butnot too bad once you understand how it works. Learning to craft is very helpfulbecause you can make a variety of gear and items. You can also switch yourtradeskills by going to a tradeskill trainer NPC.

Whether you want tomake epic weapons and armor, potions, items to go in your house, or even foodfor buffs - tradeskills are a great way to spend time in WildStar. I'll go over starting your journey to being the bestcrafter you can, and how you can actually craft in every tradeskill.

This guide will cover everything about tradeskills inWildstar including:

·                Getting Started - How to learncrafting/gathering skills and where to go.

·                Gathering Basics - How to gather foreach tradeskill.

·                Weaponsmith, Armorer, Outfitter, and Tailor - How to craft ineach, and gathering skills that go well with each.

·                Cooking, Technologist, and Architect - How tocraft in each, and gather skills that go well with each.

Getting Started

At level10 you get a quest to learn tradeskillsThis is important! You need to do this quest before you can learnany tradeskills. If you didn't do it when you got it, you mustgo back to the area you get the quest at. Below are the locations for thequests, depending on faction and starting area.


·                Northern Wilds starting area - Algoroc - Gallow

·                Everstar Grove starting area- Celestion - Sylvan Glade


·                Levian Bay starting area -Ellevar - Lightreach Mission

·                BloodIsle starting area - Deradune - Feralplain Collective

Afterthat, go to the crafting trainer to choose your tradeskills.

·                You canonly choose two, butyou can switch by going back to a crafting trainer.

·                You alsokeep your experience in each skill.

·                After switching, you have to wait three daysto switch again as a novice.

·                As you increase your tradeskill's level tohigher tiers, the amount of days between switching increases. It also costsquite a bit of money.

Gathering Basics

Mining, survivalist,and relic hunter are the gathering tradeskills. Each has an item you must equipto gather. Mining uses a laser pickaxe, survivalist uses a laser chainsaw, andrelic hunter uses a relic blaster.

After choosing oneand equipping the right item, just right-click the appropriate node in theworld. For example: For mining, click on one labeled mining when you see it andloot afterwards.


There are severalplants labeled farmer in the world. Anyone can get these and you don't needspecial skills or gear. Just attack them and loot the rewards. You usethem in different ways.

Weaponsmith, Armorer, Outfitter, and Tailor

I put these togetherbecause they all craft either weapons or armor. They also have the samecrafting interface.


·                Thislets you make weapons and weapon attachmentsMining isa useful gathering skill because you need those materials to craft.


·                Thislets you make heavy armor and shieldsMining is a useful gathering skill because youneed those materials to craft.


·                Thislets you make medium armor and support systemsSurvivalist is a useful gathering skill becauseyou need those materials to craft.


·                Thislets you make light armor. You gather the materials fromenemies or plants so you don't need a particular one to go with it. Still, Isuggest relic hunter because they give Eldan relic parts for powerfulgear.

Go to acrafting station to craft. "Simple Craft" means you just get the materials thenclick the button to craft.

"LoadSchematic" changesthe crafting a little. For these skills, a screen will come up that looks likethe above picture.

·                Tocraft these, you need to fill that bottom bar to at least the number on theright. You fill it by addingstats to the circuit slots onthe left and/or right. Keep adding to increase how many stats your gear willhave.

·                Eachslot has a color, so pick a stat of that particular color.

·                Asecond area gets filled when you go past it. This is called overcharge.The more you overcharge, the higher chance you have of failure.

·                Power Amps increase the maxcharge needed before going into overcharge.

Cooking, Technologist,and Architect 

Cookingis slightly different from technologist and architect, but mostly the same.Cooking does not count towards your two skills, so anyone can pick it up.


·                Thislets you make food that gives buffs. You get the materials from enemies and farming.


·                Thislets you make potions and elixirs for health and buffs in combat. Relic Huntergoeswell with this.


·                Thislets you make housing items and Warplot deployables. Survivalist goes best with this, but mining andrelic hunter also supplement it.

Go to acrafting station just like the others, but a different interface comes up whenyou "Load Schematic".

·                You have three "Moves" to add ingredients to these types of tradeskills.

·                You can craft without adding ingredients, but adding them gives you achance to craft a different version of the item called "Variant".

·                Hover over each ingredient to show where that ingredient takes you on theuser interface.

·                You have to get in a certain area to make a variant.

·                For Cooking, the green area shows where you want toaim for

·                With new recipes, you won't know exactly where to go. If you fail, you'llstill make the normal version. An arrow also shows up to guideyou to correct area

·                Keep following the arrows until you successfully create the variant.

·                After successfully creating a variant, and for technologist and architect,a circle appears on the user interface. Getting in this circle creates thevariant.

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