Weekly special offers
Dear customers,
Thanks for choosing ssegold, and thanks for your long-time support. To show our gratitude, we’ve prepared special offers every week for you.
What special offers might they be?
1. Discount
2. Free gold
3. Free item
4. Gifted member points (They can be used on member shop, or exchange for products on special occasions. Also when you have more member points, you get a higher grade, and you’ll enjoy a higher member discount.)
How do you get these weekly special offers?
1. These offers will be sent to your email address you left us when you placed an order.
2. They will be sent to either all our customers or only a part of you, or randomly sent.
3. Normally these emails will be sent on Fridays.
Warmly notice
1. Please make sure your email address is correct and valid.
2. Do check your email every week.
Best regards,