The FFXIV Companion App will be available to all players in late July
The FFXIV Companion App will bring a lot of convenience to all players. New features will be available for Android and iOS. After downloading, players can log in to the app, select their main character, and then interact with FFXIV via their mobile phone. The level Of interaction is dependent on your plan type, as Square Enix is offering a secondary subscription for the app with additional features.If you are not subscribed to the app, this free app section allows you to use your friends list and talk with your friends and free company members, and start upcoming in-game events. Players under the free plan can also manage their inventory, check the market, and buy or sell items.
Coming Late July 2018, Available for iOS and Android.
1. FFXIV Players can use the Companion app for all sorts of things.
2. They can receive in-game rewards too.
3. Talk to your friends and plan events.
4. Organize your inventory wherever you are.
5. For a fee of kupo nuts or mog coins, hardworking moogles will fly to and from the markets with goods and deliver instructions to your retainer.
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