New Stormblood information: RDM confirmed INT caster
Yoshida was interviewed by Famitsu and Dengeki and new information was given. Here is a summary:
Dengeki interview summary:
– Changes to Parry, Accuracy, Blocking, PIE, etc., coming in 4.0. Details will be announced at a later time
– They plan on making updates to the company crafting feature. It might include submarines, since the new feature will be underwater exploration.
– New mounts for tanks will be implemented
– No Grand Company in Kugane, but there will be a different kind of an “organization” there
– Teleports from one continent to the other will be costly, but most likely won’t exceed 999gil
– LB’s for the two new jobs will be most likely shown in the new benchmark. Samurai will most likely have Midare Setsugetsuka for its LB.
– Gilgamesh might appear in the 4.x series.
Famitsu interview summary:
– The reason why Ala Mhigo and Doma fell was not only because of the difference in power. This aspect will be touched upon in the main story.
– Othard is not only based on Japanese culture, but rather the Orient and Asia in general
– They are making small cities like Idyllshire and Revenant’s Toll for players to gather at, but there will be something different about them this time
– There will be some kind of focus on The Island of Val in the main story.
– Oriental glamour gear planned for 4.0. Some Instance Dungeon and Raid gear might have an oriental design as well.
– Shirogane will have apartments
– The moving system will not apply for apartments
– The new tomestones and the raids will be released a few weeks after the release of the expansion
– Red Mage will share gear with casters and it’s main stat will be INT
– Samurai’s “sen” system is a completely new rotation system. It’s more similar to Monk’s stances, completely different from Ninja’s mudras.
Article originally from Gamerescape.