
Guild Wars 2 Reveals the 5th Profession, Guardian

Last year when ArenaNet announced to reveal the 5th profession for Guild Wars 2 in January 2011, there were lots of guesses about it. Now the answer is here. It's Guardian! The info was first revealed on PCGamer's Big 10 of 2011 article under ArenaNet's permission.

According to PCGamer, the man appears on the picture is Logan Thackeray and he represents the Guardian profession in the game. Logan Thackeray could be familiar to many of you, especially Guild Wars 2 followers, and he is the commanding officer of the Seraph at Divinity's Reach. Before that, he's once a member of the famous adventuring group known as Destiny's Edge. Read more about Logan Thackeray's story on GW2 official Wiki.

PCGamer's article doesn't cover any detail of the new profession, but no worries because ArenaNet's Community Manager Regina Buenaobra confirms to Guild Wars 2 Guru that Guardian will be officially announced on Guild Wars 2 website on Thursday. Stay tuned!

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