FFXIV The Navel Titan Extreme Guide: Defeat Titan (Extreme)
The Navel (Extreme) is a level 50 trial that requires the player to defeat Titan (Extreme). It requires a full party of 8 players and average item level (iLevel) of 67 and above. To unlock the trial, player must be on the quest Quake Me Up Before You O'Ghomoro and should have completed Galeforce Warning and defeated Garuda (Extreme).Players will receive 16 Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery and 9 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics for the completion of the trial.
Everyone who is not tanking should stack up directly behind Titan. This includes the healers and ranged classes.
Titan will target two players with Gaol. He preferentially targets one DPS and one Healer. When targeted by Gaol, DPS should stand directly under Titan. The healer needs to run to the far edge. If there is a yellow line connecting the two players, you're too close together.
Phase 1: Before the Jump
Phase 1 is considered the period before Titan does his first jump. There is not a lot going on here so just DPS it down and dodge the Weight of the Land and Landslides as they come. If you are a BLM you can use Manawall and not have to move for the first two landslides since it will avoid the attack completely. The rotation is as follows:
Landslide > Weight of the Land > Mountain Buster > Tumult > Repeat
If the DPS is good you will end this phase before the second set of Weights.
Phase 2
This works much like Phase 1, with some interesting differences. Landslide now goes in three directions. Titan starts using Gaol and Bomb Boulders.
When targeted by Gaol, DPS should stand directly under Titan. The healer needs to run to the far edge. Free the DPS first, then free the healer.
The first set of Bomb Boulders will be a pattern that covers 2/3 of the arena. You must move to the safe spot to avoid them.
Further Bomb Boulders will be in a circle. Wait for the first bombs to explode, then move into their area to avoid the second bombs' explosions.
Rotation: Geocrush -> Landslide -> Gaol x2 -> Mountain Buster -> Upheaval -> Landslide -> Stomps x4 -> Weight of the Land -> Mountain Buster -> Landslide -> Weight of the Land -> Bombs -> Mountain Buster -> Landslide -> Gaol x2 -> Repeat
Phase 3: Heart
This phase starts when Titan reaches 55% health. Target Titan's Heart. As before, dodge Landslides (which now go five ways) and Weight of the Land, and deal with Gaols. Titan will also drop Bomb Boulders in circles. Wait for the first bombs to explode, then move into their area to avoid the second bombs' explosions.
You have until the third Weight of the Land to destroy the heart, or you will wipe.
Rotation: Geocrush -> Weight of the Land -> Gaol x2 -> Upheaval -> Landslide -> Stomps x4 -> Weight of the Land -> MB -> Clockwork Bomb -> Landslide -> Stomps x4 -> Weight of the Land -> Earthen Fury (failure)
Phase 4
This phase starts when Titan's heart is destroyed. As before, dodge Landslides and Weight of the Land, and deal with Gaols. We will have adds that join us called Granite Gaolers. We also have two sorts of Bomb Boulders to deal with. The Clockwork Bomb of before where you have 1 or 2 that show up before the rest. Same method of dodging damage. We also have a set of Bomb Boulders that drop in all places simultaneously. For this, all DPS, the off-tank, and, if available, the healers should all target one Bomb Boulder to destroy. Usually, it's the one to Titan's left and main-tank's right.
Rotation: Jump -> Massive AOE -> Granite Gaolers -> Mountain Buster -> Clockwork Bomb -> Landslide -> Mountain Buster -> Weight of the Land -> Gaol x2 -> Upheaval -> Landslide -> Mountain Buster -> Stomps x4 -> Weight of the Land -> Weight of the Land -> Mountain Buster -> Clockwork Bomb -> Mountain Buster -> All Bombs -> Stomps x4 -> Weight of the Land -> Landslide -> Jump -> Landslide -> we repeat, starting again with Granite Gaolers.
You may need lots of FFXIV Gil during the process. Don't worry, you can get it in minutes at SSEGold with low price.
The second set of Granite Gaolers should happen when Titan is close to dead. You'll probably want to determine in advance if you want your DPS to just burn Titan and have the off-tank take the Gaolers, or if you want to kill the adds.