FFXIV Guide: Regarding UI Settings and Display Issues
FFXIV greatly apologize for the inconvenience caused by the UI settings and display issues after Patch 4.11.FFXIV had reported on the situation in yesterday’s “Known Issue After Patch 4.11 (Oct. 25): Follow-up” notice. While conducting investigation and fixes, FFXIV have confirmed further issues related to UI settings and display.
After yesterday’s follow-up, FFXIV have received reports of cases that did not match the situations described in the notice, as well as cases where issues were occurring multiple times. Unfortunately, these cases may be the result of different issues than the ones previously listed, and FFXIV are unable to provide confirmation at this time.
FFXIV are currently prioritizing investigation, and have determined a possible cause from the reports from our players. We are confirming whether this cause is responsible for all current issues, and cautiously proceeding with addressing this issue.
As addressing all related issues may take some time, in an effort to minimize further cases, FFXIV are prioritizing to address those for which the cause is clear and have the greatest effects. FFXIV ask that you wait a while longer for these issues to be resolved.