
Choose the Best Race for Your Class in GuildWars2

Guild Wars 2offers players to play any class with any race and to play it all in any ways.However, some races are just better at some classes than others. Use this guideto figure out how to build your character to its full potential and take it astep well above the rest.

Pain Inverter

Radiation Field


Summon D-Series Golem

Summon 7-Series Golem

Summon Power Suit


Asura have Radiation Field and Pain Inverter whichcombo to make a healthy, if short, amount of condition damage. If specializedinto these conditions, or used to round out a build that lacks poison, daze andweakness, these skills could be rather useful. Radiation Field inparticular is great for that long duration of poison and weakness that can bedropped wherever you need to put it.

Unfortunately theelites for the Asura are rather lackluster. The D-Series Golem barelyprovides a reflect worth talking about due to it constantly moving and being adestroy-able ally. The Power Suit could be good if it lasted a bitlonger but as it is you are better off ignoring it. The 7-Series Golem ispossibly the best of the lot but due to short duration, having a health bar anda three minute cool down it really isn’t worth talking about.

Classes thathighly benefit from being an Asura would be Warrior, Mesmer, Elementalist andpossibly Necromancer. If these classes focus on conditions they could reallyget just a bit extra use out of Radiation Fieldand Pain Inverter.Necromancer can take the skills just a bit further withEpidemic, especiallywhen one considers that Radiation Field is a bit better than CorrosivePoison Cloud.

Battle Roar

Hidden Pistol

Shrapnel Mine

Artillery Barrage

Warband Support



Charr skills aren’t all that impressive as a set. All thenormal utility skills are great but there are weapon skills that do them muchbetter. EvenBattle Roar is lackluster compared to a Ranger on their hornor a Warrior’s“For Great Justice!” which gives better might and a longerlasting fury.

The elites aren’tthat much better either. Artillery Barrage is a weaker version of aRanger’s Longbow Barrage in every way including damage.Charrzooka hasa modest damage output but for the cool down, and completely sacrificing theutility of your weapon sets, it doesn’t really stand up to measure. The onlyelite that is worth mentioning is Warband Support for the extra bodieswhen it comes to solo PvE play.

For amusement youcould run a Charr Necromancer minion master build that makes use of WarbandSupport so you can have the most possible minions on the field at onetime. Mesmers or Engineers can benefit fromWarband Support or Charrzooka fora better solo PvE option in map completion. Other than that there really is nodistinct advantage a Charr gives to any class.

Prayer to Dwayna

Prayer to Lyssa

Prayer to Kormir

Avatar of Melandru

Hounds of Balthazar

Reaper of Grenth


Humans have one skill worth mentioning in their normalutility skill set and that is Prayer to Kormir. Some classes, like Rangeror Thief, struggle to wipe conditions and Prayer to Kormir can bethat solution. The only problem is the forty second cool down that makes youchoose when is the exact moment you want to use that utility. Great for PvEplay for the two classes mentioned but in any sort of team play ditch all ofthe prayers for more worthwhile skills and let your teammates help you withyour condition issue.

All of the elitesfor Humans have a place and time that they can be incredibly useful. Houndsof Balthazar Is one of the best PvE racial elites for situations where youjust need to deal damage, damage and more damage. Avatar of Melandru canbe great for some additional support, especially for the burst of health it canprovide allies. Finally, Reaper of Grenth provides an unblock-ableradius of chill and poison that can serve some use in WvW for a roaming meleeclass.

There is somethingto be said for any class going Human for each of these useful, if situational,elites but the classes that can get the best use is Ranger, Warrior, Thief,Elementalist and Guardian. If you use Reaper of Grenth, and are playing ahighly mobile roaming role as one of those classes, your enemy will bestruggling to get away from you and recover while you don’t have to focus onfilling a utility with a slow or poison.

Call Owl

Call Wurm

Become the Wolf

Become the Bear

Become the Raven

Become the Snow Leopard


The normal utilityskills for the Nornare just absolutely lackluster. Call Owljust provides a quick three stacksof bleed and a small bit of damage but with a huge cool down. Then CallWurm just summons up a Wurm that deals almost negligible amounts of damagebut can tank a bit  for you but don’t expect it to kill anything.

For the elites Becomethe Wolf and Become the Raven are both pretty similar and prettyuseless with a small bit of power in their attacks.Become the Bear is apowerhouse simply for its charge ability. If you use it like FieryGreatsword (pinning an enemy to a wall then charging into them whileuntargeted) you can deal some huge numbers of damage. Become the SnowLeopard is great in its own right for being an elite that grants stealthto any class as well as being the only Norn elite that allows mobile attacks.

Warriors,Elementalists and Thieves benefit the most from being a Norn simply for what itoffers these high damaging classes through Become the Bear and Becomethe Snow Leopard. Become the Bear, combined with a pure berserker stats,will deal some serious damage in the hands of these classes. In WvW you can use Becomethe Snow Leopard to help initiate, or run, from fights in you are roaming.

Healing Seed

Seed Turret

Grasping Vines

Take Root

Summon Sylvan Hound

Summon Druid Spirit


Take Root isan amazing ability for those who need a panic button and don’t really liketheir elites for whatever reason. It provides invulnerability and the seedturrets that spawn can tank some damage while still providing some decentadditional damage. The only drawback is the two and a half minute cool down ithas.  Summon Sylvan Hound and Summon Druid Spirit bothsuffer from the problem of beign too squishy for their abilities to be useful.

The otherabilities aren’t worth really talking about, honestly. All of them suffer frombeing able to be destroyed before they can be useful. Especially HealingSeed which would be decent if the range of the regeneration pulse waslarger so you could set up the seed outside of melee range.

All in all theclasses that benefit the most from this would be Necromancer, Thief andMesmers. Necromancers can find Take Root useful for a bit moresurvivability if their build doesn’t take advantage of their other elites.Thieves could use Take Root for a combo of stealth, invulnerabilityand the damage from the turrets. Finally, Mesmers could find use in the elitepurely because it provides a solid option in solo PvE gameplay that their otherelites might not provide.

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